Kosminen peitto melkein valmis. Tuo tikkaaminen on melko epätoivoista. Ainakin ison peiton kanssa. Sitä alkaa haaveilla tehtaasta, jossa on sellainen kone jossa on ainakin 100 neulaa rivissä ja sinne sitten kun veisi täkin, niin ei kestäisi kun pari sekuntia ja ja....
One cosmic quilt almost ready. Stitching is some what desperate. At least when you have a big quilt. You start to dream about a factory where you could take your quilt and there would be at least 100 needles on a row and it would take only a few seconds to and and....
And then the helpers arrived again. One was trying to remove the needles and the other one was lost in outer space under the quilt...
2 kommenttia:
Mä ihmettelinkin miksi sä oot noin nopee, mutta sullahan on noi väsymättömät apurit.
peitto on tosi hieno!!
How to say someting to this cute helper? The quilt is wonderful!
Lavinia is going on very slow but for the better...
Thanks. nichi
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