Toin viime vuonna juuren mukanani ja leivoin pitkälle syksyyn, mutta sitten talvi sai voiton ja kupsahdin peiton alle pysyvästi. Juuri on edelleen pakkasessa, mutta otin nyt varmuuden vuoksi uuden matkaan kun kerran sattui kohdalle...
Tämä on Imperiumin vastaisku teolliselle ruualle. Inhoan nykyään valmismakuja, enkä ole ainoa. Omistan muuten myös viljamyllyn. Siis sellaisen pienen. Pöytämallin...
This is my new sour dough root that I just got here in Sweden. It is from a local bakers shop Forsa in Uppsala. In Sweden they have very old dour dough roots. Some on them are several hundrets of years old and they have activated them from old wooden containers. When you bake with a root you don´t use yeast at all. This process is longer but the lactic acid fermentation will also add taste to the bread.
I did this last summer also but then as winter hit us I got bureid in the snow and didn´t continue...
But this how the Empire strikes back! I hate the taste on the mass production breads and I am not the only one. I also have a little wheat mill....