Päivän letut on tehty yllä olevista aineista. Kulhossa on jauhettua spelttiä, mutta lisäksi tarvitiin 2 dl tavallista vehnäjauhoa, koska rontit eivät pysyneet kasassa ilman. Valkosipulia laitoin 2 kynttä, mutta punasipuli jäi laudalle.
Todays pancakes are made of these ingredients.In the bowl there is freshly ground spelt but I hade to add 2 dl normal wheat flour because this didn´t hold together without it. I put 2 pieces of garlic but the red onion I did not use.
Näyttää lupaavalta. Ei avaruusolioita mailla halmeilla...
Looks promising. No aliens in sight...
Kunnes yhtäkkiä pannulla tuijotettiin...
Untill someone was staring at me from the pan...

These turned out very well also. Maybe we still prefere the spinache ones from yesterday. We ate these with lingonberry and creme fraiche. The best however was damson (?) gelly made by Sanna. It is almost gone though because we only got a very very small jar of it. In fact a mikroscopic jar...