The cloudy and rainy Midsummer brightened suddenly. Friends from America come to Finland and I gave them my car and got some yarn for change!! Husband does not understand this but I know that you do. By the way this is one of best sock yarns in the world, Socks that Rock.
perjantai 25. kesäkuuta 2010
Vaihdoin auton lankaan - I traded my car for yarn
The cloudy and rainy Midsummer brightened suddenly. Friends from America come to Finland and I gave them my car and got some yarn for change!! Husband does not understand this but I know that you do. By the way this is one of best sock yarns in the world, Socks that Rock.
torstai 24. kesäkuuta 2010
Keskikesä - Midsummer
lanka/yarn: Kainuun harmas by Ilu ja Kamena itsevärjätty punertava
Tunic is ready but the finishing fairy has a burn out.
I would like to try to add beads to knitting...
Nyt kyllä väsyttää... Vihdoinkin on välillä lupa olla täysin pysähtyneessä tilassa.
Olen hommannut tuulettavan läppärin alustan. Ihanaa.
Nyt on blogimaailmassa surfatessa oltava varovainen, sillä saattaa törmätä amerikkalaiseen ilmiöön "Christmas in July"..... Terveisiä vaan täältä joulupukin maasta: Lopettakaa heti tuommoinen!
No niin, tästäkin näkee työvuoden aiheuttaman väsymyksen saldon, loppukin tahdikkuus on kateissa.
Now I am tired... Finally you can legally stay in a static state (Midsummer in Finland). I have a new laptop cooling base with a fan. Woderful. Now you have to be careful if surfing in the blogland because you can accidentally run to the american phenomenon called "Christmas in July"... Greetings from the home land of Santa : Stop it! Here you can also see the accumulation of tiredness due to the working year. The last drop of diplomacy is gone.
sunnuntai 13. kesäkuuta 2010
Puuvillaa - Cotton
New things. I have been against cotton yarns... Not any more. I all begun from Noro Sekku. Then I found Villapallo´s blog and saw this. I run into this amazing thing. Someone very nice and clever being has made an eternally usable pattern for a sweater/jacket. Find it here.
I bought the pattern without blinking my eye.
Lyhyesti kerrottuna: mittaat itsesi, kudot mallitilkun ja mittaat sen. Naputtelet tulokset excel-taulukkoon ja se laskee sinulle oikean kokoisen neuleohjeen. Voilá ! Voiko ihminen enempää elämältä pyytää?
Siinä neuvotaan tekemään ensin pieni mallipusero, jotta systeemi valkenee kutojalle minikoossa, mutta minä tietenkin ohitin tuon vaiheen... Olisi ollut viisautta tehdä se pieni pusero ensin, mutta nyt olen päässyt jo tuohon asti. Lankana on kaapissa lojunut Marks&Kattensin Eko-puuvilla, joita minulle oli ilmestynyt sekalainen värikokoelma.
Shortly: You measure yourself, then make a knitted sample and measure that. Add all results to an excel-grid and it will calculate you a pattern to fit you. Voilá !
What more could you possibly ask from live?
It advices you to make a small sample sweater first to get an idea of the system first, but I ignored that... It would have been wise though...
The yarn is Marks&Kattens Eco cotton a mixed collection of colors.
This is going to be a tunic.
kissat cats,
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